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Error Reference
- Error Reference
- $animate
- nongcls
- notcsel
- $cacheFactory
- iid
- $compile
- baddir
- badrestrict
- ctreq
- ctxoverride
- infchng
- iscp
- missingattr
- multidir
- multilink
- noctrl
- nodomevents
- nonassign
- noslot
- reqslot
- selmulti
- srcset
- tplrt
- uterdir
- $controller
- ctrlfmt
- ctrlreg
- noscp
- $http
- baddata
- badjsonp
- badreq
- $injector
- cdep
- itkn
- modulerr
- nomod
- pget
- strictdi
- undef
- unpr
- $interpolate
- badexpr
- dupvalue
- interr
- logicbug
- nochgmustache
- noconcat
- reqarg
- reqcomma
- reqendbrace
- reqendinterp
- reqopenbrace
- reqother
- unknarg
- unsafe
- untermstr
- wantstring
- $interval
- badprom
- $location
- badpath
- ipthprfx
- isrcharg
- nobase
- nostate
- $parse
- esc
- lexerr
- lval
- syntax
- ueoe
- $q
- norslvr
- qcycle
- $resource
- badargs
- badcfg
- badmember
- badname
- $rootScope
- infdig
- inprog
- $route
- norout
- $sanitize
- elclob
- noinert
- uinput
- $sce
- icontext
- iequirks
- imatcher
- insecurl
- itype
- iwcard
- unsafe
- $templateRequest
- tpload
- $timeout
- badprom
- filter
- notarray
- jqLite
- nosel
- offargs
- onargs
- linky
- notstring
- ng
- aobj
- areq
- badname
- btstrpd
- cpi
- cpta
- cpws
- test
- ngModel
- constexpr
- datefmt
- nonassign
- nopromise
- numfmt
- ngOptions
- iexp
- ngPattern
- noregexp
- ngRef
- noctrl
- nonassign
- ngRepeat
- badident
- dupes
- iexp
- iidexp
- ngTransclude
- orphan
- orderBy
- notarray
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Error: ng:areq
Error: ng:areq
Bad Argument
Argument 'fn' is not a function, got string
AngularJS often asserts that certain values will be present and truthy using a helper function. If the assertion fails, this error is thrown. To fix this problem, make sure that the value the assertion expects is defined and matches the type mentioned in the error.
If the type is undefined
, make sure any newly added controllers/directives/services are properly
defined and included in the script(s) loaded by your page.