Error Reference
- Error Reference
- $animate
- nongcls
- notcsel
- $cacheFactory
- iid
- $compile
- baddir
- badrestrict
- ctreq
- ctxoverride
- infchng
- iscp
- missingattr
- multidir
- multilink
- noctrl
- nodomevents
- nonassign
- noslot
- reqslot
- selmulti
- srcset
- tplrt
- uterdir
- $controller
- ctrlfmt
- ctrlreg
- noscp
- $http
- baddata
- badjsonp
- badreq
- $injector
- cdep
- itkn
- modulerr
- nomod
- pget
- strictdi
- undef
- unpr
- $interpolate
- badexpr
- dupvalue
- interr
- logicbug
- nochgmustache
- noconcat
- reqarg
- reqcomma
- reqendbrace
- reqendinterp
- reqopenbrace
- reqother
- unknarg
- unsafe
- untermstr
- wantstring
- $interval
- badprom
- $location
- badpath
- ipthprfx
- isrcharg
- nobase
- nostate
- $parse
- esc
- lexerr
- lval
- syntax
- ueoe
- $q
- norslvr
- qcycle
- $resource
- badargs
- badcfg
- badmember
- badname
- $rootScope
- infdig
- inprog
- $route
- norout
- $sanitize
- elclob
- noinert
- uinput
- $sce
- icontext
- iequirks
- imatcher
- insecurl
- itype
- iwcard
- unsafe
- $templateRequest
- tpload
- $timeout
- badprom
- filter
- notarray
- jqLite
- nosel
- offargs
- onargs
- linky
- notstring
- ng
- aobj
- areq
- badname
- btstrpd
- cpi
- cpta
- cpws
- test
- ngModel
- constexpr
- datefmt
- nonassign
- nopromise
- numfmt
- ngOptions
- iexp
- ngPattern
- noregexp
- ngRef
- noctrl
- nonassign
- ngRepeat
- badident
- dupes
- iexp
- iidexp
- ngTransclude
- orphan
- orderBy
- notarray
Error: $rootScope:infdig
Infinite $digest Loop
10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting! Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: undefined
This error occurs when the application's model becomes unstable and each $digest
cycle triggers a state change and subsequent $digest
AngularJS detects this situation and prevents an infinite loop from causing the browser to become unresponsive.
For example, the situation can occur by setting up a watch on a path and subsequently updating the same path when the value changes.
$scope.$watch('foo', function() {
$scope.foo = $scope.foo + 1;
One common mistake is binding to a function which generates a new array every time it is called. For example:
<div ng-repeat="user in getUsers()">{{ user.name }}</div>
$scope.getUsers = function() {
return [ { name: 'Hank' }, { name: 'Francisco' } ];
Since getUsers()
returns a new array, AngularJS determines that the model is different on each $digest
cycle, resulting in the error. The solution is to return the same array object if the elements have
not changed:
var users = [ { name: 'Hank' }, { name: 'Francisco' } ];
$scope.getUsers = function() {
return users;
The maximum number of allowed iterations of the $digest
cycle is controlled via TTL setting which can be configured via $rootScopeProvider.