Error Reference
- Error Reference
- $animate
- nongcls
- notcsel
- $cacheFactory
- iid
- $compile
- baddir
- badrestrict
- ctreq
- ctxoverride
- infchng
- iscp
- missingattr
- multidir
- multilink
- noctrl
- nodomevents
- nonassign
- noslot
- reqslot
- selmulti
- srcset
- tplrt
- uterdir
- $controller
- ctrlfmt
- ctrlreg
- noscp
- $http
- baddata
- badjsonp
- badreq
- $injector
- cdep
- itkn
- modulerr
- nomod
- pget
- strictdi
- undef
- unpr
- $interpolate
- badexpr
- dupvalue
- interr
- logicbug
- nochgmustache
- noconcat
- reqarg
- reqcomma
- reqendbrace
- reqendinterp
- reqopenbrace
- reqother
- unknarg
- unsafe
- untermstr
- wantstring
- $interval
- badprom
- $location
- badpath
- ipthprfx
- isrcharg
- nobase
- nostate
- $parse
- esc
- lexerr
- lval
- syntax
- ueoe
- $q
- norslvr
- qcycle
- $resource
- badargs
- badcfg
- badmember
- badname
- $rootScope
- infdig
- inprog
- $route
- norout
- $sanitize
- elclob
- noinert
- uinput
- $sce
- icontext
- iequirks
- imatcher
- insecurl
- itype
- iwcard
- unsafe
- $templateRequest
- tpload
- $timeout
- badprom
- filter
- notarray
- jqLite
- nosel
- offargs
- onargs
- linky
- notstring
- ng
- aobj
- areq
- badname
- btstrpd
- cpi
- cpta
- cpws
- test
- ngModel
- constexpr
- datefmt
- nonassign
- nopromise
- numfmt
- ngOptions
- iexp
- ngPattern
- noregexp
- ngRef
- noctrl
- nonassign
- ngRepeat
- badident
- dupes
- iexp
- iidexp
- ngTransclude
- orphan
- orderBy
- notarray
Error: $injector:modulerr
Module Error
Failed to instantiate module sampleApp due to: {1}
This error occurs when a module fails to load due to some exception. The error message above should provide additional context.
A common reason why the module fails to load is that you've forgotten to include the file with the defined module or that the file couldn't be loaded.
Using ngRoute
In AngularJS 1.2.0
and later, ngRoute
has been moved to its own module.
If you are getting this error after upgrading to 1.2.x
or later, be sure that you've
installed ngRoute
Monkey-patching AngularJS's ng
This error can also occur if you have tried to add your own components to the ng
This has never been supported and from 1.3.0
it will actually trigger this error.
For instance the following code could trigger this error.
angular.module('ng').filter('tel', function (){});
Instead create your own module and add it as a dependency to your application's top-level module. See #9692 and #7709 for more information