Show / Hide Table of Contents
- function
- angular.UNSAFE_restoreLegacyJqLiteXHTMLReplacement
- angular.bind
- angular.bootstrap
- angular.copy
- angular.element
- angular.equals
- angular.errorHandlingConfig
- angular.extend
- angular.forEach
- angular.fromJson
- angular.identity
- angular.injector
- angular.isArray
- angular.isDate
- angular.isDefined
- angular.isElement
- angular.isFunction
- angular.isNumber
- angular.isObject
- angular.isString
- angular.isUndefined
- angular.merge
- angular.module
- angular.noop
- angular.reloadWithDebugInfo
- angular.toJson
- directive
- a
- form
- input
- input[checkbox]
- input[date]
- input[datetime-local]
- input[email]
- input[month]
- input[number]
- input[radio]
- input[range]
- input[text]
- input[time]
- input[url]
- input[week]
- ngApp
- ngBind
- ngBindHtml
- ngBindTemplate
- ngBlur
- ngChange
- ngChecked
- ngClass
- ngClassEven
- ngClassOdd
- ngClick
- ngCloak
- ngController
- ngCopy
- ngCsp
- ngCut
- ngDblclick
- ngDisabled
- ngFocus
- ngForm
- ngHide
- ngHref
- ngIf
- ngInclude
- ngInit
- ngJq
- ngKeydown
- ngKeypress
- ngKeyup
- ngList
- ngMaxlength
- ngMinlength
- ngModel
- ngModelOptions
- ngMousedown
- ngMouseenter
- ngMouseleave
- ngMousemove
- ngMouseover
- ngMouseup
- ngNonBindable
- ngOn
- ngOpen
- ngOptions
- ngPaste
- ngPattern
- ngPluralize
- ngProp
- ngReadonly
- ngRef
- ngRepeat
- ngRequired
- ngSelected
- ngShow
- ngSrc
- ngSrcset
- ngStyle
- ngSubmit
- ngSwitch
- ngTransclude
- ngValue
- script
- select
- textarea
- object
- angular.version
- type
- $cacheFactory.Cache
- $compile.directive.Attributes
- $rootScope.Scope
- ModelOptions
- angular.Module
- form.FormController
- ngModel.NgModelController
- select.SelectController
- provider
- $anchorScrollProvider
- $animateProvider
- $compileProvider
- $controllerProvider
- $filterProvider
- $httpProvider
- $interpolateProvider
- $locationProvider
- $logProvider
- $parseProvider
- $qProvider
- $rootScopeProvider
- $sceDelegateProvider
- $sceProvider
- $templateRequestProvider
- service
- $anchorScroll
- $animate
- $animateCss
- $cacheFactory
- $compile
- $controller
- $document
- $exceptionHandler
- $filter
- $http
- $httpBackend
- $httpParamSerializer
- $httpParamSerializerJQLike
- $interpolate
- $interval
- $jsonpCallbacks
- $locale
- $location
- $log
- $parse
- $q
- $rootElement
- $rootScope
- $sce
- $sceDelegate
- $templateCache
- $templateRequest
- $timeout
- $window
- $xhrFactory
- filter
- currency
- date
- filter
- json
- limitTo
- lowercase
- number
- orderBy
- uppercase
- auto
- ngAnimate
- ngAria
- ngComponentRouter
- ngCookies
- ngMessages
- object
- angular.mock
- service
- $animate
- $componentController
- $controller
- $exceptionHandler
- $flushPendingTasks
- $httpBackend
- $interval
- $log
- $timeout
- $verifyNoPendingTasks
- provider
- $exceptionHandlerProvider
- type
- $rootScope.Scope
- angular.mock.TzDate
- function
- angular.mock.dump
- angular.mock.inject
- angular.mock.module
- angular.mock.module.sharedInjector
- browserTrigger
- ngMockE2E
- ngResource
- ngRoute
- ngSanitize
- ngTouch
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Improve this Doc
First, get the file:
Google CDN e.g.
NPM e.g.
ornpm install --save angular-sanitize@X.Y.Z
yarn add angular-sanitize@X.Y.Z
Bower e.g.
bower install angular-sanitize#X.Y.Z
(discouraged for production use) e.g.
where X.Y.Z is the AngularJS version you are running.
Then, include angular-sanitize.js
in your HTML:
<script src="path/to/angular.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/angular-sanitize.js"></script>
Finally, load the module in your application by adding it as a dependent module:
angular.module('app', ['ngSanitize']);
With that you're ready to get started!
The ngSanitize
module provides functionality to sanitize HTML.
See $sanitize
for usage.
Module Components
Name | Description |
linky | Finds links in text input and turns them into html links. Supports |
Name | Description |
$sanitize | Sanitizes an html string by stripping all potentially dangerous tokens. |
Name | Description |
$sanitizeProvider | Creates and configures |